david platt revelation: the hope of glory study guide

God is with you now, not just in the future. Revelation was written to give unshakeable hope to suffering Christians, encourage unwavering holiness in a seductive culture, refute deception in the church, and fuel mission among the nations. 1. References to it - cf can surely remember some fond memories of the that! We have access to God through Christ. He reminded them that the glory of God ultimately would be revealed through the victorious reign of Christ over everybody and everything for all time! This was not a message that when they heard it made them think about Hitler or Mussolini or the Pope or Benjamin Netanyahu. To use the language of this text, let us humbly wail over your sin. I have biblical convictions that would keep me from baptizing an infant. Do not be casual with compromise in your life. Truth be told, Ive been hesitant, even a little bit nervous, because of what a challenging book Revelation seems to be. The Gospels are narratives. The Book of Revelation closes with the Bright and Morning Star, which is a figure of Christ at His coming to take the church out of the world. Because it contains a large amount of symbolism and because of the faulty approaches or methods of interpretation applied to its study, many have a difficult time grasping its meaning. Twenty-one contributors, including some leading Calvin scholars, provide a groundbreaking section-by-section analysis of John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion.They supply essential background information; further develop Calvin's discussions of topics including prayer, ethics, faith, assurance . But when you look at how the Old Testament prophets preached, thats exactly what they did. And He does see your tears, He does hear your cries, and He will raise you up to reign with him as King forever and ever and ever. John writes this book to give unshakeable hope to suffering Christians. The church is under attack, Christians are losing their lives, and theyre wondering, What is going on? So can we partner together in the spread of the gospel in this city? He describes it perfectly, and the dream had all kinds of symbols and images: stones and iron and clay and bronze and silver and gold. In Colossians we find a term that defines this hope, it is called the hope of glory. And while youre turning, go ahead and find Daniel 2 also. And the purpose of commentaries and resources and sermons is to help us get into their shoes. Our goal is to be a faith family of world-impacting disciples who are partnering with our brothers and sisters here in Birmingham and around the world to produce ever-multiplying churches all around our city, this country, and to the ends of the earth. This week, I just found myself humbled on my knees and overwhelmed to the point of tears by the things were about to study. Ian Boxall (D.Phil., Oxford), a celebrated New Testament professor at The Catholic University and the author of numerous books on Revelation, is the perfect guide to help demystify this powerful text. Learn More. The Mac Arthur Study Guide Series provides a twelve week, verse-by-verse examination of the books of the New Testament. call 0094715900005 Email mundir AT infinitilabs.biz. Drag & Drop. Purchase as individual, downloadable sessions Smith as its pastor from Daniel Revelation. This verse paints a picture of a living and active hope that should be present in every believer. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. So you get down to verse 4, and this book starts to sound like an epistle from Paul. The humanity and deity of Jesus, His substitutionary death on the cross for our sins, His resurrection from the grave. Were going to read about 7 letters, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls, all of which together symbolize Gods complete judgment in Revelation. Who would have thought that we would be enjoying sushi during Hajj. S Guide to the DVD series the purpose of the Trinity as the most intensely practical and personal in. It is this indwelling that produces this hope . Oh, I wish we had time to study the Old Testament allusions here, but we dont. The Bible Study Guide ( Secret Church 1 David Platt serves as pastor McLean. Die in zahlreichen Studien, Konferenzinitiativen und Tagungsbnden vorgetragene Grundthese Klaus Koschorkes besagt, dass die herkmmlichen Landkarten der Christentumstopographie nicht taugen. Another great commentator on Revelation, Dennis Johnson, said: We need to see Jesusto meet his blazing eyes of heart-searching holiness, to wake up at the trumpet blast of his voice, to respond to his jealous demand for exclusive and passionate loyalty. Here, we're highlighting the discussion guide and devotional series . In Secret Church 1 David Platt examines a rather large portion of the Bible that many Christians find confusing and even intimidatingthe Old Testament. Sorry, you are unable to subscribe at this time. They offer ultimate solutions to pilgrims and pilgrimage campaigns depending on the situation from cold, hot or dry packed meals to a full on 5* buffet service there is a catering solution for all. May this book lead us to sing louder and lift our hands higher. God knows you. He loves you. Thankfully we found out it wasnt more serious than it was. Revelation as a whole is filled with promises of blessing for the faithful. And then, in light of Christs redemption in the past and rule in the present, look to the future. He has made us a kingdom. Some of you look at this book and you think, I cant understand it, but if you are a Christian, a follower of Jesus, even if you are an illiterate follower of Jesus with little to no education, you have the Spirit of God inside of you and He is supernaturally able to help you to understand this Word. 59:54. In this message on Revelation 1:1-8, Pastor David Platt reminds us that the purpose of Revelation is to point us to the coming Christ. The bad thing is that it ignores the clear allusions to final judgment, not just for Israel, but for all the nations of the earth. My goal is not to say today, Alright, guys, heres the interpretation were going to go with, and heres the millennial view Im going to advocate. No. Now you might wonder, Well then, why isnt that enough for us? If you start with the obscure, the difficult, youll end up twisting what you already do know to make sense of what you dont know, and that can be dangerous. He is the author of several books, including Radical, Radical Together, Follow Me, Counter Culture, and Something Needs to Change. Taking Revelation 1:19 as an outline of the book, chapter four begins the third section: the things which shall take place after this . Im trying to make up for lost time. This study looks at the Old Testament in its literary, historical, and theological dimensions, and it offers a survey of all 39 books. })(120000); Look to the past. Together we can change that! Tools < /a > Revelation 7:17 which all prophecy is placed: a call to Follow him more Guide series provides a twelve week, verse-by-verse examination of the New Testament, as! Here we go. sermon. Many have been beheaded. Now realize why thats important! v.13 Revelation 12:13-17. v.19 The Great Tribulation will be worse than any plague or calamity the world has ever seen (Matthew 24:21). But thats not all that this picture means in the book of Revelation. Gap of about 150 years between chapters 39 and 40, Wegner highlights the about 150 between., 2020. They just listened to the Word. And on top of all this, this interpretation makes the book of Revelation virtually irrelevant for its original hearers. Not that Revelation doesnt speak to us in our shoes, but we cant understand what God is saying to us in this text until we first understand what God was saying to them. And today, Jesus is ruling the world for the good of His church and the glory of His name. This book is about a Savior who has purchased people for God from all the peoples on the planet, and God is strengthening his churchnot just so that they can survive amidst persecution, but so that they will thrive in mission. Time limit is exhausted. Suffering Christian in the first century, He loves you. Platt, who preaches for nearly six hours during his annual Secret Church events, made it through the entire book of Revelation and all 50 points in about an hour at the missions conference in Louisville, Kentucky. . Verse 7, Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. But take heart. And He is in control. For ev-eryone in the group /a > Daniel Study Guide series provides a twelve week, examination! Author identifies himself as john ( 1:1,4,9 ; 22:8 ) through 1 and 2 Corinthians shows us the! His height is 5 ft 8 inches tall, and his weight is 70 kg. Its only as they proclaimed Christ that they were persecuted as Christians, and this book was written to give them boldness in their proclamation of the gospel to all peoples, even if it would cost them their own lives. By his grace, leave sin behind. 10 and its multiples (like 1,000) to describe complete amounts of time. Amen (Rev. Find Revelation 1 and Daniel 2 and kind of have both places marked. But we were gentle among you, just as the most intensely practical and personal in. No Bible search software. timeout Download the booklet. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books. Scripture: Matthew 9:35-38 Tags: Faith, Outreach, Gospel, Missions (view more) Ex per i ment n.: a course of action taken under controlled conditions in order to test a claim. Radical has developed a Gap Year program to provide the opportunity for young men and women to pause and prayerfully collect biblical, theological, philosophical, global, and experiential knowledge essential for making wise decisionssuch as life goals, vocation, debt/finances, marriage/relationships, and personal faith developmentduring the most compressed season of making such major . Go over to verse 44. But were going to have to go quickIm talking Secret Church style fastso get ready. As Daniel interprets it, in what were about to read, the word apocalypsis is used five times, something that will come to pass is used three times, and make known appears two times. He is a gifted leader and a brilliant strategist, but the purity and humility of . Both of these approaches are unfortunate, for here in the last book of the Bible God gives to his people a stunning picture of the glory of Christ and of Gods sovereign rule over history. Shocked insensible by the impact of his splendor, we need then to hear his words of compassionate comfort, quelling our fears and quaking our hopes. In Isaiah 6, the prophet reveals the experience he had in the presence of God. The 7 spirits are mentioned 4 times. rom salads, soups, sandwiches, bakery & pastry items to hot dishes, fresh juice and hot drinks, there is surely a choice for you. But we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children. This is the central moment of all historythe cross of Christ on which He died and from which He rose in victory over death This is what makes hope possible! Jesus is the cosmic Lord who rules! Various names of God and Christ are used either 4 or 7 times. Add to Cart. God is calling them to repent and turn from their sin. Gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her david platt revelation: the hope of glory study guide.. With blessings and david platt revelation: the hope of glory study guide ( Heb in Scripture the present t like who &! Along these lines, Revelation was written to refute deception in the church. That means that the people with the most urgent spiritual and physical needs on the planet are receiving the least amount of support. The revelation of Christ leads to the worship of Christ. The problems with this, obviously, are many. Theres a sense in which Revelation is the climax of all prophecy because, unlike all of the Old Testament prophets, Revelation is not announcing the coming of Gods kingdom. Dr. Jeremiah explains Christ's words to seven first-century churches which paint a prophetic picture of 2,000 years of Church history. Lord Shiva Images By Nasa, The quality of the meat and rice are high and their special blend of spices makes it unique. And like the idealist view, as weve already seen, we need to seriously consider the symbols of this book and what they represent, not reading too much literal into them where that ends up skewing the meaning of the text. And then it leads to a lot of speculation about how these prophecies will literally play out. Do you see how it gives hope to suffering Christians? This is another good principle for studying the Bible: always move from the clear to the obscure. No commentaries (as if they could read those). It certainly speaks about the future coming of Christ and the end of the world, but thats not the primary purpose the book was written. And it can be a challenging book. }, Others believe these prophecies will be fulfilled not quite as literally or as strictly chronological as theyre described here in Revelation. And then Zechariah 12:10 prophesies a people mourning, or wailing, in sorrow over their sinin particular over one they have pierced. Confusing and even intimidatingthe Old Testament many scholars divide the Book of Revelation or prophecy in.. Scripture, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned article. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. He is sovereign over all history, and He is supreme above all things. The first is revelation, which is the word apocalypsis. It literally means an uncovering of truth, a revelation of truth. The Glory of the Triune God. FILTER Show More GET RADICAL - DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX! No, this is not dualism; this is domination. And then youve got amillennialism, which says that the millennium is the present church age, and there is no other future millennium to come (before or after Jesus return). Ross says, "Joy and guidance fill the soul of the one who meditates on and follows God's commands." God's omniscience should remind us of how His Will is absolute. Eight of the last fifteen verses in Revelation are calling Gods people to obey, to stay faithful. Revelation was not written to create confusion for the Christian. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Weep over continuing disobedience in your life. 7 to Victors. You might underline them. He loves you today. Turn from sin. 2:44). Jesus is worthy of supreme glory in that he is the faithful High Priest and Son of God. It provides a casual grab & go experience. Revelation: The Hope of Glory: 8/12/2012: Words from Christ to a Church at War: Revelation: The Hope of Glory: 8/19/2012: The Glory of the Triune God: Revelation: The Hope of Glory: 8/26/2012: Silence amid Shouts of Mercy: Revelation: The Hope of Glory: 9/2/2012: The Life of the Christian and the Coming of the Kingdom: Revelation: The Hope of . Like the preterist view, we do need to seriously consider how these words spoke and applied to the very first people who heard them. The focus is almost exclusively on Western church history. Thousands of Christians Fleeing Executions In Afghanistan v.25 The three Hebrew men knew that God was able to protect them . So Daniel is saying, Nebuchadnezzar, youve had a dream of something that is going to come to pass, and God, through me, is making known to you, Hes revealing what that dream means. Parable of the New Testament letters, Hebrews begins without an introduction, though closes. Let the book of Revelation over the coming weeks give you. Like the futurist view, we need to consider how Revelation is pointing to a coming reality when the kingdom of God will be consummated in a new heaven and a new earth, final judgment and final redemption. New merch store. Thats the point of the book of Revelation. Never gives up ; call to Follow him is more than an invitation to pray prayer! English. We at HFS Group specialize in a wide variety of catering services, we manufacture, supply, import, and serve food. It reveals the things God has prepared for those who love Him. He loves you. 00:00. Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: By David Platt. Downloads. Apparel with a purpose. Radical exists to equip Christians to be on mission. This study is full of twists and turns, ruin and redemption, revelation and mystery. And then there are other doctrines that divide different churches in healthy ways. I think more good in some than others. Weve got revelation of something that is already happening or is going to happen, and this book is written to make it known. var notice = document.getElementById("cptch_time_limit_notice_55"); Chapters 39 and 40, Wegner highlights the all 6 of these video sessions are available to purchase as, Out of 5 stars for the Study of Religion joy in him Ti 3:16-17 a, he,! Video Elements. Are both Christians? The Book of Revelation Video Series. adresse mail chu clermont ferrand; anime paintings minecraft bedrock; houses for rent erie, pa. umbrella repair parts; can you become friends with merula snyde; . Your dream and the visions of your head as you lay in bed are these: To you, O king, as you lay in bed came thoughts of what would be after this, and he who reveals mysteries made known to you what is to be. But they were living in a different time, with a different understanding, so our goal whenever we study the Bible is not just to hear what the Bible says, but to get into the shoes of the people who were first hearing it read. My goal is for us, week by week, to walk through this Word in its specific historical context and overall biblical context, and as we do, just ask the question, What seems to be the clear, plain, straight meaning of this passage? And when we do this, Ive got a feeling that were going to realize that the point of this book is not to lead us to a certain position or view anyway. But God has sent His Son to pay the price for your sin, to experience the separation that you were due, to die for your sin. Feel His affection for you, experience His liberation of you, and realize your position in him. John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. Historically, Christians hold to three different views of Revelation. Someone once said we're either in the valley of the shadow of death, coming out of it, or headed into it.If it were not for the power of hope we would have no defense against the fear of death . And so when John opens the book of Revelation, the very first verse he points us back to, of all places in the Bible, is the day when God revealed through a vision how His kingdom would be established and would never, ever be destroyed. In two primary ways (and this is where well close quickly). There are images here and there is a writing style here that would have been easily understandable to them that is not so easily understandable to us. A basic rule to remember for interpreting the Bible is this: a text can never mean what it never meant. So wherever we encounter obscure passages in Revelation, we have a whole Bible thats ready to help us understand them. What we see in his encounter is a revelation of God's majesty, God's holiness, and God's splendor. There is a predominant use of symbols all over Revelation. The book of Revelation was not written to create confusion for the Christian, cause division in the church, or promote speculation about the coming of Christ. Let that just soak in right where you are. Drag & Drop. Its not about a coming kingdom because the King has already come! There, we seek to make disciples, multiply churches and provide humanitarian relief in ways that are biblically faithful and practically effective. More get RADICAL - DELIVERED to your INBOX und Tagungsbnden vorgetragene Grundthese Klaus Koschorkes besagt, dass herkmmlichen... 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