cyber vulnerabilities to dod systems may include

DOD and the Department of Energy have been concerned about vulnerabilities within the acquisitions process for emerging technologies for over a decade.51 Insecure hardware or software at any point in the supply chain could compromise the integrity of the ultimate product being delivered and provide a means for adversaries to gain access for malicious purposes. False a. There are 360 million probes targeted at Defense Department networks each day, compared to the 1 million probes an average major U.S. bank gets per month." This number dwarfs even the newer . What we know from past experience is that information about U.S. weapons is sought after. The strategic consequences of the weakening of U.S. warfighting capabilities that support conventionaland, even more so, nucleardeterrence are acute. Enhancing endpoint security (meaning on devices such as desktops, laptops, mobile devices, etc), is another top priority when enhancing DOD cybersecurity. 2 (February 2016). Many breaches can be attributed to human error. 52 Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (Washington, DC: DOD, August 2018). This could take place in positive or negative formsin other words, perpetrating information as a means to induce operations to erroneously make a decision to employ a capability or to refrain from carrying out a lawful order. Prior to 2014, many of DODs cybersecurity efforts were devoted to protecting networks and information technology (IT) systems, rather than the cybersecurity of the weapons themselves.41 Protecting IT systems is important in its own right. This paper presents a high-level, unclassified overview of threats and vulnerabilities surrounding the U.S. Navy's network systems and operations in cyberspace. We cant do this mission alone, so the DOD must expand its cyber-cooperation by: Personnel must increase their cyber awareness. 66 HASC, William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, H.R. Nikolaos Pissanidis, Henry Roigas, and Matthijs Veenendaal (Tallinn: NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, 2016), 194, available at <,, Weapon Systems Cybersecurity: DOD Just Beginning to Grapple with Scale of Vulnerabilities, , GAO-19-128 (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2018), available at <,, Lubold and Volz, Navy, Industry Partners Are Under Cyber Siege.. Vulnerability management is the consistent practice of identifying, classifying, remediating, and mitigating security vulnerabilities within an organization system like endpoints, workloads, and systems. One study found that 73% of companies have at least 1 critical security misconfiguration that could potentially expose them to an attack. Hall, eds., The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994), for a more extensive list of success criteria. Misconfigurations. Every business has its own minor variations dictated by their environment. Ibid., 25. But where should you start? Information shared in this channel may include cyber threat activity, cyber incident details, vulnerability information, mitigation strategies, and more. Figure 1 presents various devices, communications paths, and methods that can be used for communicating with typical process system components. ; Erica D. Borghard and Shawn W. Lonergan, The Logic of Coercion in Cyberspace,. In the Defense Department, it allows the military to gain informational advantage, strike targets remotely and work from anywhere in the world. 57 National Counterintelligence and Security Center, Supply Chain Risk Management: Reducing Threats to Key U.S. Supply Chains (Washington, DC: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2020), available at . 5 For a notable exception, see Erik Gartzke and Jon R. Lindsay, eds., Cross-Domain Deterrence: Strategy in an Era of Complexity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019). Art, To What Ends Military Power?, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace,. Nearly all modern databases allow this type of attack if not configured properly to block it. For additional definitions of deterrence, see Glenn H. Snyder, Deterrence and Defense (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961); Robert Jervis, Deterrence Theory Revisited, World Politics 31, no. Making sure leaders and their staff are cyber fluent at every level so they all know when decisions can help or harm cybersecurity. 7 The spread of advanced air defenses, antisatellite, and cyberwarfare capabilities has given weaker actors the ability to threaten the United States and its allies. The operator or dispatcher monitors and controls the system through the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) subsystem. CISA is part of the Department of Homeland Security, Understanding Control System Cyber Vulnerabilities, Sending Commands Directly to the Data Acquisition Equipment, Through discovery, gain understanding of the process. 58 For a strategy addressing supply chain security at the national level, beyond DOD and defense institution building, see Angus King and Mike Gallagher, co-chairs, Building a Trusted ICT Supply Chain: CSC White Paper 4 (Washington, DC: U.S. Cyberspace Solarium Commission, October 2020), available at . See James D. Fearon, Signaling Foreign Policy Interests: Tying Hands Versus Sinking Costs,, 41, no. There is instead decentralized responsibility across DOD, coupled with a number of reactive and ad hoc measures that leave DOD without a complete picture of its supply chain, dynamic understanding of the scope and scale of its vulnerabilities, and consistent mechanisms to rapidly remediate these vulnerabilities. and international terrorist True DoD personnel who suspect a coworker of possible espionage should report directly to your CI OR security Office Most control systems come with a vendor support agreement. That means a thorough strategy is needed to preserve U.S. cyberspace superiority and stop cyberattacks before they hit our networks. and Is Possible, in Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies, ed. Prior to the 2018 strategy, defending its networks had been DODs primary focus; see The DOD Cyber Strategy (Washington, DC: DOD, April 2015), available at . A common misconception is that patch management equates to vulnerability management. The power and growing reliance on AI generates a perfect storm for a new type of cyber-vulnerability: attacks targeted directly at AI systems and components. These tasks are typically performed on advanced applications servers pulling data from various sources on the control system network. Cyber threat activity recommended to be submitted as a voluntary report includes but is not limited to: Suspected Advance Persistent Threat (APT) activity; Compromise not impacting DoD information 50 Koch and Golling, Weapons Systems and Cyber Security, 191. Specifically, the potential for cyber operations to distort or degrade the ability of conventional or even nuclear capabilities to work as intended could undermine the credibility of deterrence due to a reduced capability rather than political will.17 Moreover, given the secret nature of cyber operations, there is likely to be information asymmetry between the deterring state and the ostensible target of deterrence if that target has undermined or holds at risk the deterring states capabilities without its knowledge. This led to a backlash, particularly among small- to medium-sized subcontractors, about their ability to comply, which resulted in an interim clarification.56, Moreover, ownership of this procurement issue remains decentralized, with different offices both within and without DOD playing important roles. The DOD published the report in support of its plan to spend $1.66 trillion to further develop their major weapon systems. This is, of course, an important question and one that has been tackled by a number of researchers. - Cyber Security Lead: After becoming qualified by the Defense Information Systems Agency in the field of vulnerability reviewer utilizing . The types of data include data from the following sources: the data acquisition server, operator control interactions, alarms and events, and calculated and generated from other sources. Streamlining public-private information-sharing. Falcon 9 Starlink L24 rocket successfully launches from SLC-40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, April 28, 2021 (U.S. Space Force/Joshua Conti), Educating, Developing and Inspiring National Security Leadership, Photo By: Mark Montgomery and Erica Borghard, Summary: Department of Defense Cyber Strategy, (Washington, DC: Department of Defense [DOD], 2018), available at <, 8/Sep/18/2002041658/-1/-1/1/CYBER_STRATEGY_SUMMARY_FINAL.PDF, Achieve and Maintain Cyberspace Superiority: Command Vision for U.S. Cyber Command, (Washington, DC: U.S. Cyber Command, 2018), available at <,, The United States has long maintained strategic ambiguity about how to define what constitutes a, in any domain, including cyberspace, and has taken a more flexible stance in terms of the difference between a. as defined in the United Nations charter. The public-private cybersecurity partnership provides a collaborative environment for crowd-sourced threat sharing at both unclassified and classified levels, CDC cyber resilience analysis, and cyber security-as-a-service pilot . MAD Security recently collaborated with Design Interactive, a cutting-edge research and software development company trying to enhance cybersecurity to prevent cyber attacks. An attacker that wants to be surgical needs the specifics in order to be effective. The attacker dials every phone number in a city looking for modems. 2. Common Confusion between Patch and Vulnerability Management in CMMC Compliance, MAD Security Partners with OpenText Response to improve response time to cyber threats and shrink the attack surface, Analyzing regulations compliance of the current system. All of the above 4. systems. Administration of the firewalls is generally a joint effort between the control system and IT departments. Additionally, cyber-enabled espionage conducted against these systems could allow adversaries to replicate cutting-edge U.S. defense technology without comparable investments in research and development and could inform the development of adversary offset capabilities. Optimizing the mix of service members, civilians and contractors who can best support the mission. In addition to assessing fielded systems vulnerabilities, DOD should enforce cybersecurity requirements for systems that are in development early in the acquisition life cycle, ensuring they remain an essential part of the front end of this process and are not bolted on later.64 Doing so would essentially create a requirement for DOD to institutionalize a continuous assessment process of weapons systems cyber vulnerabilities and annually report on these vulnerabilities, thereby sustaining its momentum in implementing key initiatives. , Version 2.0 (Washington, DC: Headquarters Department of the Navy, November 6, 2006), 3. This often includes maintenance planning, customer service center, inventory control, management and administration, and other units that rely on this data to make timely business decisions. Art, To What Ends Military Power? International Security 4, no. At MAD, Building network detection and response capabilities into MAD Securitys managed security service offering. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Richard K. Betts. to reduce the risk of major cyberattacks on them. This discussion provides a high level overview of these topics but does not discuss detailed exploits used by attackers to accomplish intrusion. (London: Macmillan, 1989); Robert Powell, Nuclear Deterrence Theory: The Search for Credibility. One of the most common routes of entry is directly dialing modems attached to the field equipment (see Figure 7). Koch and Golling, Weapons Systems and Cyber Security, 191. Foreign Intelligence Entities seldom use the Internet or other communications including social networking services as a collection method a. Estimates claim 4 companies fall prey to malware attempts every minute, with 58% of all malware being trojan accounts. 47 Ibid., 25. The DOD is making strides in this by: Retaining the current cyber workforce is key, as is finding talented new people to recruit. Vulnerabilities simply refer to weaknesses in a system. The potential risks from these vulnerabilities are huge. The database provides threat data used to compare with the results of a web vulnerability scan. Specifically, Congress now calls for the creation of a concept of operations, as well as an oversight mechanism, for the cyber defense of nuclear command and control.66 This effectively broadens the assessment in the FY18 NDAA beyond focusing on mission assurance to include a comprehensive plan to proactively identify and mitigate cyber vulnerabilities of each segment of nuclear command and control systems. Networks can be used as a pathway from one accessed weapon to attack other systems. As stated in the Summary: DOD Cyber Strategy 2018, The Department must defend its own networks, systems, and information from malicious cyber activity and be prepared to defend, when directed, those networks and systems operated by non-DOD-owned Defense Critical Infrastructure (DCI) and Defense Industrial Base (DIB) entities. Ensuring the Cyber Mission Force has the right size for the mission is important. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018); An Interview with Paul M. Nakasone, 4. The most common means of vendor support used to be through a dial-up modem and PCAnywhere (see Figure 8). An attacker will attempt to take over a machine and wait for the legitimate user to VPN into the control system LAN and piggyback on the connection. Hackers are becoming more and more daring in their tactics and leveraging cutting-edge technologies to remain at least one step ahead at all times. 41 Weapon Systems Cybersecurity: DOD Just Beginning to Grapple with Scale of Vulnerabilities, GAO-19-128 (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2018), available at . The Department of Defense (DOD) strategic concept of defend forward and U.S. Cyber Commands concept of persistent engagement are largely directed toward this latter challenge. Kristen Renwick Monroe (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2002), 293312. 40 DOD Office of Inspector General, Audit of the DoDs Management of the Cybersecurity Risks for Government Purchase Card Purchases of the Commercial Off-the-Shelf Items, i. Tests, implements, deploys, maintains, reviews, and administers the infrastructure hardware and software that are required to effectively manage the computer network defense service provider network and resources. Directly helping all networks, including those outside the DOD, when a malicious incident arises. Special vulnerabilities of AI systems. Moreover, some DOD operators did not even know the system had been compromised: [U]nexplained crashes were normal for the system, and even when intrusion detection systems issued alerts, [this] did not improve users awareness of test team activities because . 1 (2015), 5367; Nye, Deterrence and Dissuasion, 4952. (Washington, DC: DOD, February 2018), available at <,, ; Jon Lindsay, Digital Strangelove: The Cyber Dangers of Nuclear Weapons,,, >; Paul Bracken, The Cyber Threat to Nuclear Stability,, William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, AY22-23 North Campus Key Academic Dates Calendar, Digital Signature and Encryption Controls in MS Outlook,,, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - large versionFigure 12: Peer utility links. GAO Warns Of Cyber Security Vulnerabilities In Weapon Systems The purpose of the Cyber Awareness Challenge is to influence behavior, focusing on actions that authorized users can engage to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities to DoD Information Systems. 2 (Summer 1995), 157181. The ultimate objective is to enable DOD to develop a more complete picture of the scope, scale, and implications of cyber vulnerabilities to critical weapons systems and functions. 114-92, 20152016, available at . Progress and Challenges in Securing the Nations Cyberspace, (Washington, DC: Department of Homeland Security, July 2004), 136, available at <,, Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System. Information gathered and activities conducted to identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt, or protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons or their agents or international terrorist organizations. In the FY21 NDAA, Congress incorporated elements of this recommendation, directing the Secretary of Defense to institutionalize a recurring process for cybersecurity vulnerability assessments that take[s] into account upgrades or other modifications to systems and changes in the threat landscape.61 Importantly, Congress recommended that DOD assign a senior official responsibilities for overseeing and managing this processa critical step given the decentralization of oversight detailed hereinthus clarifying the National Security Agencys Cybersecurity Directorates role in supporting this program.62 In a different section of the FY21 NDAA, Congress updated language describing the Principal Cyber Advisors role within DOD as the coordinating authority for cybersecurity issues relating to the defense industrial base, with specific responsibility to synchronize, harmonize, de-conflict, and coordinate all policies and programs germane to defense industrial base cybersecurity, including acquisitions and contract enforcement on matters pertaining to cybersecurity.63. None of the above Often the easiest way onto a control system LAN is to take over neighboring utilities or manufacturing partners. A Cyber Economic Vulnerability Assessment (CEVA) shall include the development . 1 Build a more lethal. The easiest way to control the process is to send commands directly to the data acquisition equipment (see Figure 13). Rules added to the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) looking for those files are effective in spotting attackers. 61 HASC, William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021: Conference Report to Accompany H.R. Even more concerning, in some instances, testing teams did not attempt to evade detection and operated openly but still went undetected. There is a need for support during upgrades or when a system is malfunctioning. , ed. Recently, peer links have been restricted behind firewalls to specific hosts and ports. These include the SolarWinds breach,1 ransomware attacks on Colonial Pipeline2 and the JBS meat processing company,3 and a compromise of the email systems of the U.S. Agency for International Development.4 U.S. officials have indicated their belief that Russia either sponsored . A new trend is to install a data DMZ between the corporate LAN and the control system LAN (see Figure 6). For this, we recommend several assessments to gain a complete overview of current efforts: Ransomware is an increasing threat to many DOD contractors. Most control system networks are no longer directly accessible remotely from the Internet. Cyber threats to a control system refer to persons who attempt unauthorized access to a control system device and/or network using a data communications pathway. The second most common architecture is the control system network as a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) off the business LAN (see Figure 4). 17 This articles discussion of credibility focuses on how cyber operations could undermine the credibility of conventional and nuclear deterrence, rather than the challenge of how to establish credible deterrence using cyber capabilities. Conducts deep-dive investigations on computer-based crimes establishing documentary or physical evidence, to include digital media and logs associated with cyber intrusion incidents. High level overview of these topics but does not discuss detailed exploits used by attackers to intrusion... The cyber mission Force has the right size for the mission is important allow type. Effective in spotting attackers a common misconception is that patch management equates to vulnerability management equates to vulnerability management utilities... 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